The Church
Gathered & Scattered
Gathered & Scattered
We are the church gathered
and the church scattered
Smaller Groups
Smaller group season has started. Family groups of 4 - 5 couples are available after service on Sundays with childcare. Smaller groups of 4- 5 people are available during the week as before. Groups will be reviewing the Sunday message while fostering accountability. Sign up online at
Membership Class
A 6-week membership class is starting on Sunday, September 22nd right after service from 11:30 AM- 12:30 PM. Sign up with Pastor Paul. (No class on Sunday, September 29th).
Edify Women's Retreat 2024: A Holy Fear
Join us on October 11th-12th at Shiloh Bible Camp (Hewitt, NJ) for our Edify Women's retreat! This year, we will learn about having a Holy Fear of God from our speaker and author, Christina Fox. Registration is now open at $160 to lock it in! See registration site for more details.
FDU Food/Hygiene Product Drive
Until October 13th, CGS will be participating in a collection of food and hygiene products for the students of Fairleigh Dickinson University who are struggling with food insecurity. Only non-perishable food items will be accepted (cans, pantry). Hygiene products such as soap, shampoo, and toothpaste are greatly appreciated. Donations will be collected in a bin next to the elevator. Please contact Junsuk Seo if you have any questions.
Hana Mission BBQ and Worship Service
Please join us on October 19th for a worship service and BBQ at Hana Missions in Paterson. We will meet at church at 9:30AM and finish the day together at Hana Mission in Paterson by 3PM. We will be preparing food, participating in outreach, leading an outdoor service, as well as eating together. If you would like to participate and/or have any questions on the event, please reach out to Eugene Park.
New CGS Bookshelf Recommendations Alert!
Check out our new staff bookshelf recommendations by the elevator. This quarter, recommendations are based on what the staff have been reading on their own time. Books are available for checkout on the library shelf bookshelf in the podcast room.
CGS Podcast
Good morning! Check out the newest episode of our CGS Podcast, "Dear Church Gathered & Scattered” on Mondays, where we exist to fill your ears and your minds with the study of God to see the world as disciples of Christ. Our podcast is available on the Apple Podcast, Spotify, and our CGS App with new episodes every Monday. Contact Samuel Yang with any questions FOR or ABOUT the podcast!
CGS Children's Ministry
For children 2.5 years-5th grade we have an optional nursery/Sunday School available during the sermon portion of our Sunday service. Our goal is to teach our children the Word and to prepare them for congregational worship as soon as they are able. *For children of nursery age (2.5-4 years old) please contact Sam Yang for the onboarding process.
Sign up to provide food for the church after service as an individual, a family, a SG, etc. for Sundays at or on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board by the entrance to the sanctuary. Any questions, please contact Grace Yang.
Young & Gathered
Our 6-12th graders meet every Friday 7PM - 9PM to discuss the Sunday sermon followed by a time of games! Our desire is to grow in maturity as Christians through the study of the Word and to have a time of fellowship together as the youth of our church. If you are a student in middle school or high school, please join us this Friday! Contact Samuel Yang for more info.
Service Times
Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 39
What is God’s will for you in the fifth commandment?That I honor, love, and be loyal to my father and mother and all those in authority over me; that I submit myself with proper obedience to all their good teaching and discipline; and also that I be patient with their failings— for through them God chooses to rule us.
Proverbs 1:8-19
Read More
A 10 Week Catechism
CGS Podcast
Check out the newest episode of our CGS Podcast, "Dear Church Gathered & Scattered" on Mondays, where we exist to fill your ears and your minds with the study of God to see the world as disciples of Christ. Our podcast is available on the Apple Podcast, Spotify, and our CGS App with new episodes every Monday. Contact Samuel Yang with any questions FOR or ABOUT the podcast!